My Services

What I Do

I create beautiful WordPress & eCommerce websites for eco conscious businesses succeed and grow. 

Pink Flowers and Lap Top

WordPress Websites

WordPress websites are the most popular in the industry as they are flexible and offer a stylish solution for business and personal use, including eCommerce as well. 

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eCommerce Websites

Your online shop must demand attention and keep visitors engaged and encouraged to buy. Depending on your focus and business goals WordPress WooCommerce, Shopify and Etsy are all excellent choices. 

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Lap Top and Flowers

SEO Copy Writing

Spot on SEO Copy Writing for your website  and digital marketing is key to getting your branded message out to your target audience. 

Professional Content + Design will give you the results you want.

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Eco-Friendly Websites

By working with eco-friendly partners and building a website that consumes less energy, you will be on your way to leaving a lighter footprint on the environment.  Businesses can have an online presence that helps protect the environment.

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The Creative Process: How It All Works


I’ll ask the right questions to discover the real reasons you need a new website and exactly what you’re trying to achieve. Sometimes this bit can get a bit awkward but, if it doesn’t, I’m not doing my job properly. I’m very intuitive and it’s been said that I have an ability to ‘climb inside your head’. Which is a good thing, I promise…


At this point you’ve already chosen your theme which has a pre-set layout. However, once I’ve got all the details I need, I’ll create a visual sitemap so that everyone involved in the project can see very quickly what we’re trying to communicate and how I’ll structure layout with the information you’ve provided. 


At this point, rather than try to explain what I intend on building and hoping you understand my ramblings, I’ll build an interactive prototype to show you how my solution will work. I won’t worry about perfection at this stage, it will be blocked out with your text and images, but it shows us where we’re heading.


Finally, I go underground for a couple of weeks to make sure everything is set up and tested, before deploying your shiny new website to your hosting server, so that you can show it off to the whole world.

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“Top 10 WordPress Website Must Haves”



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Goa, India

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