WordPress Website Packages

For Eco-Minded Businesses

WordPress Website Packages

For Eco-Minded Businesses

Building and launching a professional website for your business is a huge undertaking…

Especially if you feel a little (or a lot) lost and don’t know where to start.  What’s the solution, then? A well-organized process and as much support as you need throughout the project.

As an Eco-Minded Business you must target your dream clients with a mindful design and clear message. 

Let’s round out your online presence by creating a custom site and social media presence that brings your business to life online. No more stressing about the way your website functions or how to get “the look” you’re trying to achieve. That’s where my passion and expertise comes in. We will collaborate to achieve your vision!

Build Something Tailor Made For Your Users. 

Build An E-Commerce Website If You Have Products To Sell.  

Learn How To Create An Eco-Friendly Website.

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WordPress Website Packages

Have something more custom in mind? Need some more bells & whistles? Get A Quote

Are you selling products? I will hook you  up with an awesome eCommerce Website for your online shop!

See my eCommerce Website Packages Here

How to create an eco-friendly website in 3 easy steps!

1. Use a website host that is eco-friendly such as Green Geeks.

2. Create a website that is lighting fast by using simpler designs & imagery for faster loading to lessesn energy consumption when visitors are viewing our website.

3.  Partner with eco-minded businesses such as website designers, graphic artists and content creators for example.



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Amy was great in bringing by vision and message for my website to life! I’m so happy with it. She collaborated well & listened to what I wanted as well as giving suggestions on ways to improve how the site would be set up to be easy for visitors to easily navigate my multi-service business. She also created informative & spot on website copy to relay our message even when she wasn’t familiar with the topic. That’s a real talent! I have left the site in her capable hands to maintain monthly so I can focus on more creative aspects of my business growth.  

– Nandini Shukla, Prem Yoga Studio

Monthly Website Maintenance + Extra Add-Ons

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